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EYT: Plans for 2022

Happy New Year! It's been another weird year, hasn't it? We started the year unable to teach in person and having to hold our classes online due to COVID regulations, then we went to in-person classes outdoors in May, and finally we were able to return to normal indoor classes in September (albeit with masks and social distancing). And then, just before the year was up, we had to go back to online classes, once again. But not before holding our Juniors' shows at The Warehouse Studio Theatre on the 11th and 12th of December.

EU Quarter, Junior class, in October 2021

With another change in the COVID regulations having just been implemented, it would be easy to feel down and resigned to another long stretch of online classes. But we've got a different plan. After having spoken to our students and several parents, it has become clear that we agree that it is better to have our classes in person, even if that means teaching outside, in the cold, rather than online for another extended period of time. So that's exactly what we're going to do. We've gone out and found appropriate locations near to our teaching centres, and you can find the list hereunder.

(exact Google Maps coordinates will be sent to all students and parents by email and WhatsApp)

- Ixelles (Wednesday): Abbaye de la Cambre Less than 10 minutes' walk from our usual teaching location at Bascule, you'll find Abbaye de la Cambre, a beautiful little park surrounding the famous abbey. - Waterloo (Thursday): All Saints' Church Waterloo, Garden Luckily for Waterloo students, there's almost no change here: same place, just in the garden behind the Church! - Woluwe (Friday): Parc Malou, opposite Woluwe Shopping Some of you will remember classes here last year. Directly opposite the Woluwe Shopping, you'll find the entrance to this beautiful park guarded by a lion statue.

- EU Quarter: EU Parliament Square, Espace Léopold Just a short walk up the road from our usual class location, you'll find the EU parliament building. Classes will take place just outside the building, near Gare Europe. Exact Google Maps coordinates will be sent to all students and parents by email and WhatsApp. We look forward to welcoming you all back to class, and remind you to wrap up warm and wear weather-proof clothing and shoes for class! See you soon!


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