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The new year has begun!

The holidays are over (awwwww...) but EYT classes are back in full swing (Huraaaaaay!) Our Seniors and Juniors have already begun rehearsal for their productions! The Juniors are preparing their shows (Goldilocks, Aladdin and Dick Whittington) for December. Our Seniors are preparing their one-act plays for our new EYT Festival in February, where they will all perform over the same week-end in a fully equipped professional theatre.

Above: EU Quarter Juniors playing a game of Follow The Leader in class.

Above: The 350-seat Zinnema 'Scene' Theatre in Anderlecht, where our Seniors will perform their productions during the EYT Festival in February.

Meanwhile, our Intermediate groups are preparing their monologues and / or group devised work, in preparation for their LAMDA exams in February. After that, they will have their chance at the big stage, at the wonderful Grote Zaal at De Kam, in Wezembeek-Oppem.

Above: The Grote Zaal at De Kam, in Wezembeek=Oppem, where our Inters will perform their plays in April.

So it's full steam ahead for a huge year at EYT! If you want to join in the fun, there are still some places in some of our classes, so if you're interested, you can enquire about that here!


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