Macbeth High
by Jake Vaughan
All her life, Beth has wanted to be popular. Although she’s not disliked, she feels anonymous. One day, three weird emo kids hand her a book that prophesies her ascension to the throne of Prom Queen. Alongside her friends Ellie and Beau, Beth uses her newfound confidence to rise up the school’s food chain, but begins to lose herself in the process.
Macbeth High is an original play by EYT teacher Jake Vaughan, loosely based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth, with an 80s teen flick twist. A one-act version of the play was performed at EYT Festival 2024 (then-titled Dark Times At Cawdor High), taking home the 1st Prize and Best Supporting Performance awards. This full-length version features a larger cast, a larger budget, and a musical aspect.
The cast of 20 was selected from 39 auditionees, and specifically chosen for their work ethic, commitment, ability to work in a team and acting ability. Some of the actors are EYT veterans who've gathered lots of experience, and others are in their first year with us but have shown great promise and performance skills!
Macbeth High is an EYT+ show.
EYT+ is English Youth Theatre's excellence program, where our most promising young performers get the chance to take theatre more seriously with longer rehearsals, learning new skills and techniques, and taking on more challenging work. The standards we set are very high, and all participatants had to audition to get a role.
27, 28 and 29 May 2025 at 8pm
Espace Lumen
Warning​: Macbeth High features occasional uses of strong language and some mature themes, such as bullying and slut-shaming. It was created with both teenage and adult audiences in mind, so we recommend that parents take the time to consider whether this play is suitable for their younger children.