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MAINSTAGE: 1066 And All That

This December, EYT will be putting on a main stage production in celebration of its 20th year in Brussels! The play is based on the successful book of the same name by W.C. Sellar and R.J. Yeatman. It was first performed as musical comedy in 1935, and EYT has put together a talented writing team tasked with bringing the classic play up-to-date, featuring such periods as the Swinging Sixties, the Thatcher Era and even the looming behemoth that is Brexit! This two-act performance will feature all EYT groups, and will take place on a main stage!

More information will become available as we draw nearer to our December performance date!

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English Youth Theatre is a part of The Umbrella Factory asbl
209 Boulevard Léopold II, 1080 Brussels
© 1999 - 2024 The Umbrella Factory asbl
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